

May 26, 2019
Although we struggle to describe what happened on the 40th day after Jesus' resurrection, we cannot dismiss it.
Baptism is a sign and means of receiving the Holy Spirit, whose primary role is to set us apart for God's presence, his service, and his glory.
Baptism is a conscious and deliberate act by which the Christian is incorporated into the faith community.
When we are baptized we align our lives with the good news of God’s coming kingdom and recognize that power in his kingdom is expressed as submission and service.
The resurrection of Jesus is not just about the past. It is about the present — our present. And it is about the future — our future.
Jesus reveals a God who relentlessly comes after our restless hearts. And the climax of God’s pursuit is the cross.

Imago Dei

April 7, 2019
What is the signficance of being created in "the image of God"?
An examination of 1 Timothy 2:11-15, the NT passage often used to support the establishment of a gender-based hierarchy.
In the 1st century, in spite of stringent restrictions on women in society, Christians found ways for women to pray and prophesy in their community.
Jesus pushes against the typical prejudices and practices of his time. And in this regard, Jesus’ interactions with women stand out within his culture.
Distinguishing male and female is necessary in some circumstances, but a hierarchy of worth or value based on that distinction cannot be defended from the Bible.

A New Family

March 3, 2019
Sometimes the most insidious boundaries are the ones we love the most.

Holy Pragmatism

February 24, 2019
Often the Bible’s teaching is complex, subtle, and even ambiguous — for longtime believers as well as for new believers.

Image Bearers

February 10, 2019
In this time of #metoo and #churchtoo, nothing is more important than the words our Creator God about male and female.

Sharing Sunday

February 3, 2019
Three members of the congregation share their faith stories.
Issues of gender affect our personal relationships including our marriages, our family, and how we perceive God.
John Newton: "The Word of God is not to be used as a lottery . . .."
Everyone wants to make decisions that turn out well. But Christians have another objective: "[W]e make it our goal to please [the Lord]” (2 Cor. 5:9).
This year, can we stop pleading with God to show us the future, and start living and obeying like we are confident that He holds the future?
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